“It's a very good thing to use when you are off the snow. It's a very ski-specific balance exercise tool which is very good and useful for training balance. For skiers, it's the best and easiest way".
Martin Bell, 4-time British Olympic skier (1984 - 1996) and Race Coach, Vail, USA
“The SkiA Sweetspot Trainer is a great training aid to train balance on ski boots”
Alfons Schmid, Head Coach, Racecenter Benni Raich

“The SkiA Ski Trainer is a perfect tool for helping our membership learn the art of balance
and discover how it affects every motion in the sport of skiing.”
PSIA-AASI - Professional Ski Instructors of America

“We have tested the SkiA Ski Trainer and feel it can really help to find the true sweetspot
of the ski/boot interface, challenging athletes to constantly engage and
stay on top of their balance, whether in training, racing or freeskiing”
CSIA - Canadian Ski Instructors Association
“The tool for perfect regulation in the ski boot - any time, anywhere.”​
DSLV - Deutscher Skilehrerverband (Association of Professional Ski Instructors, Germany)
“The SkiA Sweetspot Trainer is a must-have for all serious ski instructors. It will transform their own skiing, allowing them to centre quickly over their skis and therefore perform consistently at peak performance. By incorporating the Sweet Spot trainer into their lessons, their pupils will get the same benefit and will progress much more quickly. It can keep you in tune over the summer, and it is a great tool for getting centred quickly after having a break away from skis. It is best used in the morning before you hit the slopes. I'm converted.”
Andrew Lockerbie, Former Chairman BASI (British Association of Snowsports Instructors).
Former Performance Director of Disability Snowsport UK (DSUK)
“It's remarkable how quickly clients become aware of their centre of balance by using the
SkiA Sweetspot Trainers. Using the Trainer regularly with clients on courses has shown vast
improvements in their performances when they get back on skis on the snow.
Derek Tate, Irish Association of Snowsports Instructors
Director of BASS (British Alpine Ski School) Chamonix
Parallel Dreams Coaching Academy

"The SKiA Ski Trainer is a smart, fast and efficient way to train and develop great skills of centred balance,
that will transform your ski performance".
Hugh Monney, Director BASS (British Alpine Ski School)
“Great skiing depends upon great balance, yet most skiers are unaware of how to balance accurately.
The BASS Network has been involved in the development of the SkiA Sweetspot Trainer.
This has given us great opportunities to use them with clients and we have seen some fantastic results.
It has been quite amazing to watch skiers with a habitual, unbalanced style coming off the slopes, stepping onto the Trainer, and changing almost instantly. The trainer is a fantastic tool in developing the natural, coordinated movements necessary for skillful skiing and directing them through specific balance targets.
It is a powerful training aid that will benefit every single skier, regardless of ability.”
James Lamb.. Director of BASS Morzine
BASI Level 4 International Ski Teacher
British Demonstration Team Member, Interski Congress
“Centered balance and centered stance are important for fundamental movements. The Sweetspot Trainer gives you the starting point to ski athletically and efficiently. It's an essential tool for every serious skier at any level.”
Chris Fellows Author of 'Total Skiing', NASTC (North American Ski Training Centre)

“We're using the Sweetspot Trainer ourselves, and with all of our clients.
It activates your body and muscles in a way that no other ski simulator touches.
You have to create and maintain your balance over the point of pressure, leaving no way of cheating.
Quite simply, if you use this your skiing will improve!”
Gavin Kerr Hunter, SnowPerformance, Crystal Mountain, Washington State

Transferring the acquired skills from the trainer to skis is easy as the trainer fits onto
the boots and helps everyone simulate the movements when skiing.
Using the progressions makes it an ideal dry land training tool for any level of skier.”
Shona Tate, Irish Association of Snowsports Instructors
Director of BASS (British Alpine Ski School) Chamonix
Parallel Dreams Coaching Academy

“If you are an enthusiastic skier, you will be able to transform your performance using the principles of this product. As a ski Olympian and ski and snowboard instructor, I know a little bit about biomechanics.
Simply put if you stand, do squats, small jumps and movements with the Sweetspot attached
you will be using the exact muscles that you use when skiing.
This will produce a muscle memory in those muscles and targets them specifically.
If you're just starting out, or already mad about skiing and want to get the best out of your skiing,
then you should give this product a go. I am.
David Scott, Editor Snowco, Olympic Speed Skier
“It's a great device for racers to train their skills of balance, accuracy, and movement.”
Chris Hill - Head Coach Snowsports Race Club and ESSkiA
Former British National Squads Coach and British Children's Team Coach.
“Simple. Effective. Innovative. A great tool and program for staying ski ready year-round.”
Dave Beckwith Killington Resort | Pico Mountain Director of Snow Sports
“I just thought to give you a little feedback as a newcomer to SkiA.
I've been training with the green and blue blocks for the past 2 weeks and trying out some of
the drills on the piste and was amazed how much less effort it is to ski!
My husband is an ex-FIS ski racer and thought he'd be clever and go straight to the red blocks but
quickly realised that he had to start from the bottom to train his balance. ”
Anna Unger
“The key to ensuring success with the (SkiA) Trainer is to use it often, but in short bursts.
This feeds the subconscious mind constant snippets of information that build into a bigger picture.
Put that all together on the slopes and you have a converged series of messages that combine
to make your skiing more fluid, more accurate and more in balance. ”
BASI News (magazine of British Association of Snowsports Instructors)
“The Sweetspot (Trainer) really heightens your awareness of where you should be on your skis.
It's a fun training tool to complement your skiing”
F Mullen, SCI Instructor
“Finding the sweet spot and developing the skills to stay in that place throughout the turn
is the difference between an average skier and a great skier.
We all know the feeling, but maintaining the sensation throughout the turn can be fleeting.
The Sweetspot SkiA Trainer is a great tool for finding our point of balance and refining our ability to stay in balance. Give it a try.”
Bill Madsen Director of Operations, NASTAR
“Before we left the lodge I asked each racer to make a mental image of what the Sweet Spot Ski Trainer felt like
and to immediately head to the slopes and capture that sensation on their skis.
WOW! I had ten very different racers! I set a rhythmic stubby course on a slightly steeper slope and the
racers went through as many times as possible before the close of practice.
These kids were skiing at a level I would expect after four to five weeks of training
Saturdays and Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
Please keep in mind I did not have the ability to work with each racer at length - basics only and self-coaching.
Edging, rotation and upper body separation were significantly improved on all skiers ”
Boyd Smith Coach: 36 years ski race coaching. Team Tussey Mountain Alpine Racing Team
“I find the trainer really helpful to understand correct stance, able to practice rotary and edging
giving overall great balance. Excellent for all levels of skiers. Light and easy to travel with.”
Keith Jeffers Ski Instructor, Australia
“I felt way more comfortable and confident on my skis and could actually feel myself actively looking
for that sweetspot balance that had been burned into my muscle memory.
I look forward to seeing what even more training will do for me next winter.
So, don't put your ski boots away for the summer.
The SkiA Sweetspot Ski Trainer is a great tool to help keep you in ski shape during the offseason.
Much like I spend months training for ice climbing season, I will plan to add the SkiA Ski Trainer to my
pre-season ski workouts so that I hit the slopes shred-ready next winter. ”
Amy Jurries thegearcaster.com
“The SkiA Trainer is an effective tool for maintaining and improving the ski-specific brain/ski/boot
coordination and balance that makes us good and better skiers.
I have made and used a balance board, but it does not offer the progression challenge that the Trainer does
nor does it effectively incorporate using actual ski boots and the boots' sweetspot.
The Sweetspot Ski Trainer isn't expensive, and I recommend incorporating it into your
off-season fitness routine on a regular basis.”
Mike Doyle Review: http://skiing.about.com
“I spent 10-20 minutes per session once a day, then literally slept on the experience, and found that despite a lack of success in a previous training session, there was a significant improvement the next time on those blocks. Once I got good at vertical movement on one set of blocks, I moved up. Yesterday I tested this training on the ski hill and was pleasantly rewarded with a sense of being utterly bulletproof the first day of the season.
I definitely recommend the product for anyone looking for an extra performance boost.
It works while you sleep, but you have to put in real-time on the blocks, going through the progressions, to work that magic.”
Nolo, 17,000+ posts EpicSki Review: 'Train your brain, train your body'.
“I have been skiing and club racing for over 30 years and have tried many training devices and
exercises to get ready for the next ski racing season.
The SKiA Sweetspot trainer is one of the simplest, and least expensive ski specific devices
or pieces of training equipment I have ever used.
It is also WAY harder than I thought it would be considering my level of experience.
I have only tried the easiest green level of balance points for the trainer, and it takes a great deal
of concentration to balance on that block. The ski-specific exercises outlined in the manual mimic
actual ski positions, training you to balance in the exact center of your ski boot.
It is portable, you can put in your gym bag and use it anywhere on any hard surface. ”
Ralph P AA Vet Club Racer Cleveland Metropolitan Ski Council
New York Masters Racer/NASTAR Racer
“The Sweetspot Trainer facilitates practicing being centered in your ski boots and habituating your feeling for effective stance, posture, and alignment. Using the Sweetspot Trainer you are also able to habituate sound fundamental flexion, extension, leg rotation, and edging movement patterns to underpin your skiing. ”
Prof David Murrie Professor of Sports Biomechanics & Physical Education
“I am recovering from extensive knee surgery (the second time in 6 years).
I was looking for something more ski-specific than the traditional proprioceptive drills like wobble boards etc.
Not only is it great to be dry land training in my ski boots, but my proprioception is improving every time I use them. It's bringing the time I can get back onto skis closer, and nothing makes me happier than that! ”
Helen W
“Just want you to know that I tried it for about 5 to 10 minutes on the green block before I took my ski trip.
I was sceptical about the effectiveness. Boy, I definitely noticed when I ski.
I could feel the sweet spot and be much confident. I skied the single and double black diamond much smoother and more confident than before. I hope this will work in an icy situation too.
Thank you. I would highly recommend this.”
C Wu Skier
“The Sweetspot Trainer is a great product that combines balance and accuracy of movement.
We have tested them with the Team Evolution Minis team and they loved them.
They have mastered most coloured blocks and have found the trainer really beneficial.
It was difficult to get the trainers off their feet before going to school!
We hope that using the SkiA Trainer next season and at our summer camps our athletes
and many other youngsters will gain from this product”
Yannick Green Team Evolution Racing
“Just thought I would let you know I've continued to use the trainers (still on blue but tilting and rotating) to rave reviews. It's really transformed my skiing.”
Debra B Skier and Sweetspot Ski Trainer Fan!
“I'm an ex-racer, (retired 4 years) so consider myself of expert all-mountain level.
I was shocked on my first attempt where the sweetspot was, it did catch me out,
but quickly mastered this level (green block).
This trainer will shock many skiers when they realize where the sweetspot really is (even expert skiers).
It will improve your fitness as it provides a good workout while improving your technique;
you will feel the burn in your legs.
I really do believe this can improve the technique of skiers of all ability levels.
I wish I had found this while I was still racing. ”
“I suffered a severe ankle injury during military service that meant I lost my tibialis posterior tendon. This caused a 30% weakness in my ankle and, following ankle reconstruction, needed re-training of my balance function. The Sweetspot Trainer was a great aid in improving my proprioception on that side and gave me the confidence to ski in control again, build the right muscles quickly and I now walk without a limp. Thanks”
Dave S Ex-Forces
“I really enjoyed using the trainer for my own preparation. I have a real tendency to lean back in my boots and end up with burning thighs! I used it over 4 to 6 weeks before going skiing and progressed from green to blue to red, with a little go on the black blocks. It really helped me find my centre of balance through my feet and boots. I think it is great for giving you an opportunity to consistently train your movement pattern if used little and often so that when it comes to skiing, it feels natural right away to position yourself better over the ski. I literally spent evenings sitting in my ski boots and trainers, getting up often doing about 3 to 5 mins training and sitting down again, on and off for about an hour. When used like this I think it taps into our body's ability to reprogramme movement quite quickly. My mantra for many rehab exercises is little and often, and this fits well in that. So, when it came to the ski holiday, I feel that the SkiA trainer made a big difference, less thigh burn, better control and balance, and more confidence with turning, especially in lower visibility conditions when normally I would struggle because I was relying on my eyes and not feeling my feet enough. So my motivation was to improve that connection of my feet to the boot to the ski and the snow to that I could feel the movement more and maintain control in low visibility situations. I think it really helped.”
Heather Watson MCSP Physiotherapist,